Maybe last chance in this universe for Half-Mitts December 28, 2016Until today our inventory showed zero, but we actually have 27 pair (UPDATE>>> SOLD OUT) , and I wear them every day of my life and kind of think everybody...
end of mid Dec, long & varied one December 19, 2016 Here's what it's like here. Dedicated to the bike stuff, trying to make it all good and make things available to the micropercent of riders who want their bike...
Pneubar Pname December 14, 2016Here's a behind-the-scene top secret going-on-right-now event. Practically, we don't need any new or different handlebars, but thanks to Amazon and the increasing popularity of NITTO products, some of "our"...
Diabetic-Friendly Pumpkin Pie December 12, 2016This will be up for just two days. Crust 2.5c crushed or chopped nuts (any) and golden flax seeds 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 4 TABLESPOONS butter or ghee put dry...
Don’t be a naive knave—know your naves! December 8, 2016The first wheels were wood and had fixed axles. The second wheels were wood with independent axles, which stayed still while the wheel turned on it. It was a wood-on-wood...
G's semi-pointless rambles with occasional commercial elements. Today's topic: NEW BLAHG Tues NOV 29--Tire size that ne'er was, carbon, shellac... November 29, 2016OUR NORMAL BLUG is still up, but sometimes there's stuff I have to say and it's not good to plug it in over the current BLUG, so now I've got...